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    What is Dutasteride used for?

    Avodart is used in men to treat the symptoms of an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia-BPH). Avodart works by reducing the size of the enlarged prostate. Dutasteride helps relieve BPH symptoms such as weak urine stream, difficulty in beginning the flow of urine, and the need to urgently or frequently urinate. Avodart can also reduce the need for surgical intervention to treat BPH. Avodart is not approved for the treatment or prevention of prostate cancer and can slightly increase your chances of developing a serious form of prostate cancer.

    Dutasteride Information

    DISCLAIMER : This information is only a summary and doesn’t have all of the possible information on this product. This information is geared towards consumers and does not assure that Dutasteride is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. This is not intended to replace individual healthcare advice on your treatment or condition from a medical professional. Always talk to your doctor for complete information on the medications they prescribe for you as well as your specific health needs.