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What is Cholestagel used for?

Cholestagel is used as part of a proper diet and exercise routine to help lower blood cholesterol levels. If you have high cholesterol you should try to lower it as that will decrease your risk of strokes, heart disease and heart attacks. Cholestagel can also be used with diet and exercise to lower high blood sugar in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Controlling blood sugar levels is important in preventing blindness, loss of limbs, nerve problems, and kidney damage.

Keeping diabetes under control can also lower your risk for stroke or heart attack. Cholestagel is part of a class of drugs called bild acid-binding resins. Bile acid is a natural substance made by the liver using cholesterol. Cholestagel removes bile acid from the body which causes the liver to manufacture more using cholesterol which reduces blood cholesterol levels. It is unknown how it works to lower blood sugar.

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    Frequently Asked Questions About Cholestagel

    DISCLAIMER: The following is presented for exclusively informational purposes and is not intended for use as a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek out a physician or other licensed health care provider’s advice for your medical condition or treatment plan. Do not ignore professional advice or delay seeking it out because of the information provided here.