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What is Daflon used for?

Daflon’s active ingredient is diosmin, a kind of plant chemical found in citrus fruits. Daflon is used to treat various blood vessel disorders, including varicose veins, blood clots, hemorrhoids, bleeding in the eyes or gums, and poor circulation in the legs. It can also be used to treat the swelling of the arms after brest cancer surgery, for radicular pain, and to protect against liver toxicity. It is usually taken in combination with another plant chemical called hesperidin.

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    Frequently Asked Questions About Daflon

    DISCLAIMER: The following information is provided for the educational benefit of consumers looking to buy Daflon. This information is not medical advice and should never be used in the place of medical advice. Always talk to your doctor if you have any questions regarding your medications or treatment. This summary does not contain complete information about Daflon. Never delay in seeking medical advice or ignore medical advice given to you because of the information provided here.