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Buy Nystatin Cream Online

What is Nystatin Cream used for?

Nystatin is an antifungal cream to treat fungal infections. It works by stopping the growth of fungus on the skin and is used to treat mycotic infections of the skin caused by the Candida species. Nystatin should be used on the skin only. It should not be used in the eyes, nose, face, lips, tongue, mouth or vagina.
Before you begin taking the cream, carefully read the important information about the product that is provided with the packaging and prescription label. There are different forms of this medicine. Infections of the mouth need to be treated with nystatin suspension.

It should be used for the entire specified time even if the condition improves before this time. store at room temperature and way from children and animals when not in use. Some side effects of Nystatin cream are rash, itching, pain and eczema. Report side effects to your doctor or pharmacist if they grow serious or if your medical condition grows worsens. call your doctor for medical advice about side effects if they become unmanageable.

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    DISCLAIMER: The following information is presented for those looking into Nystatin Cream costs and is only for informational purposes. This is not medical advice and is not meant to replace getting the advice of your doctor. Ensure you always go to your doctor if you have any questions about your medications or treatment. Do not delay in seeking or ignore professional advice because of this information.