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Buy Rasagiline (Azilect) Online

What is Rasagiline used for?

Rasagiline (Azilect) can be used alone or with other medications for the treatment of symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. It can help with symptoms including: stiffness, shakiness, and difficulty moving. It can also help to lower the amount of “off” time (periods of stiffness and slow movement). Rasagiline is a part of a class of medications known as MAO inhibitors. It works by increasing the levels of some natural substances in the brain. Parkinson’s disease is thought to be caused by low levels of dopamine in the brain.

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    Frequently Asked Questions About Rasagiline (Azilect)

    DISCLAIMER: This information is provided as a summary and doesn’t contain all possible information about Azilect. The following information is provided for educational purposes and does not replace individual medical advice from your healthcare professional. Always seek your doctor’s advice for your treatment and medications.