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Buy Sandomigran (Pizotifen) Online

What is Sandomigran?

Sandomigran is used to prevent the severity and frequency of vascular migraine headaches including cluster headache. This cannot be used to stop or prevent a Migraine in progress.

Sandomigran works by preventing blood vessels from temporarily changing size. This is the most common cause of migraine attacks. It can only treat vascular headaches caused by changes with blood vessels, it cannot be used to treat tension headaches. Tension headaches are not clearly understood, however they can occur in tandem with vascular migraines as well.

Do not share this medication with friends and family even if they have similar symptoms. This may not be a relevant treatment and may cause adverse reactions. Sandomigran is stored at room temperature, in a dry place out of reach of children and direct sunlight.

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    Frequently Asked Questions About Sandomigran (Pizotifen)

    DISCLAIMER: The information provided here is intended to provide basic information on this medication and is not intended to replace the medical advice provided by a certified medical professional. Any prescription drug use needs to be approved by your doctor.
    Do not avoid or ignore any advice provided by your physician in favor of what is written here. Always consult with a pharmacist, doctor or health care professional before taking this medication and seek counselling if you have any questions or concerns about your medication.