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Buy Viramune Online

What is Viramune used for?

Viramune (active ingredient nevirapine) is an antiviral medication that prevents HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) from multiplying in your body.

Viramune is prescribed as a treatment for HIV. HIV is the virus that can cause acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Viramune does not cure HIV or AIDS and is not an effective tool to prevent HIV from occurring.

Viramune oral solution is prescribed to adults and children older than 15 years old. It also comes in an extended-release tablet which can be prescribed to adults and children as young as 6.

Viramune may be utilized for purposes not presented here. Talk to your doctor if you have queries about that.

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    Frequently Asked Questions About Viramune

    DISCLAIMER: The following information is provided for informational purposes for consumers looking to purchase Viramune. This information is not provided as a substitute for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor or another healthcare professional if you have inquiries about your medical health or medications you’re taking. Do not ignore advice given from your doctor because of this information provided here.